Labels:book | bulletin board | chat room | crt screen | poster | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: AppleShare Print Server Proxuct Details How spooling works: hecome available Appleshare Up to five printers can bx Ordinarily the user scompute Print Server reduces this waiting managed and spooled from must document i time in severa ways Users send single print senver.) And be being printed Meanwhile, the over an AppleTalk cause the server can accept files computer er can't be used for any network directly to the print from more than ooe user at the thing else And if the Laser- server, anc regain control of same time there' never any Writer ImageWriter is busy, their computers right away waiting for it to be available the user must wait for it to AppleShare Print Server sends the document along to the LaserWriter or ImageWriter soon as the printer r is ready System Requirements To use the ...